Environmental Engineering

The research activities contribute to the research area of the Department “Natural Systems, Environment, and Spatial Planning”. They are consistent with the Integrated Strategic Plan of the Politecnico di Milano (Polimi) and aimed at enhancing the impact through high-quality training and research (national and international), with particular attention to technology transfer and social responsibility. In the field of engineering and environmental quality assessment, the main areas of research concern the assessment, analysis, and development of mitigation and remediation measures and strategies, remediation technologies, as well as the reuse, recycling, and recovery of resources, involved in all the different environmental sectors of air, water, and soil. Primary water and wastewater technology issues include the development and evaluation of conventional and advanced treatment operations, including control systems and process optimization, with a focus on reducing energy and material requirements and recovery options. Air environment expertise includes the analysis, assessment, and management of air quality, both through measurement and modeling studies on particulate matter and gaseous pollutants and through the inventory of sources for pollution distribution and assessment of removal technologies. The issues of municipal and industrial waste are addressed through environmental and system analysis of integrated material and energy recovery options with conventional and alternative LCA (Life Cycle Analysis) approaches, as well as through technical evaluation and development of treatment unit operations and bioenergy production pathways from residual streams. Research activities on soil and sediment pollution include issues related to the assessment of risk to human health from contaminated areas and groundwater basins and remediation strategies, as well as technical and economic assessments. Reservoir management and remediation studies and simulations, as well as general environmental impact assessment of major works, master plans, and new regulations, are also an integral part of the field of activities. All research and technology transfer issues are developed both through conventional and advanced modeling approaches and through experimental studies at different scales of interest, from laboratory to pilot and full-scale plants with the support of large experimental equipment, available in the Department or through frequent cooperation agreements with similar research facilities. The Group is involved in synergistic activities with other groups within the Department and with other Departments of Polimi. It relies on an extensive and consolidated national and international network, which has led to funding within competitive programs. The impact on the company is measured through the variety and high quality of the consulting and research activities developed by the group with leading partners in the industrial and public sector.


FWCI (2014-2018)