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UNDERGROUND SPACE: From Resources to Structures and Infrastructures
8 March 2022 @ 08:30 - 13:00

In early March will take place the next Seminar organized by our Scientific Committee, with the title “UNDERGROUND SPACE: From Resources to Structures and Infrastructures”. The seminar will be both in presence and online, through the Cisco Webex platform.
Click here for accessing to the Webex meeting room.
The event in presence will be held at the Auditorium (Viale Romagna, 62 – 20133 – Milano (MI) – l’ingresso dell’aula è in via Pascoli 53) – Politecnico di Milano.
The access is free, untill all the available seats have been taken.
Besides speakers from our department, we will have the pleasure of hosting the presentation of the guests: professor Xavier Sanchez-Vila (UPC Barcellona) and professor Antonio Gens (UPC Barcellona).
The full program of the event is avaiable here.
Please note that for attending to the seminar it is necessary to read, and so agree to the Information and Declaration of consent for personal data treatment (read here). Those who do not agree, must specify by sending an email to comunicazione-eventi-dica@polimi.it but cannot intervene during the discussion (since it is going to be recorded). On the contrary, none email received will be considered tacit consent.
Durante l’evento avverrà la premiazione per i migliori poster della categoria Dottorandi.
-Andrea Manzoni vedi poster/ vedi video presentazione
-Rafael Leonardo Sandoval Pabon vedi poster/ vedi video presentazione
-Federico Lombardi vedi poster/ vedi video presentazione
-Laura Ceresa vedi poster/ vedi video presentazione