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PhDTalks | Healing capacity of Ultra High Performance Concrete under sustained through crack tensile stresses and aggressive environments

Febbraio 6 @ 17:15 - 18:30

Il prossimo appuntamento con la serie di incontri PhDTalks si terrà Martedì 6 febbraio nell’aula Fassò (Edificio 4A), dalle 17:15 alle 18:30 CET.

PhDTalks è una serie di seminari e discussioni tra dottorandi. Gli eventi hanno lo scopo di fornire un luogo dove creare un network tra dottorandi ed entrare in contatto con i molti progetti sviluppati nel nostro dipartimento.

Lo speaker Xi Bin condurrà un seminario dal titolo “Healing capacity of Ultra High Performance Concrete under sustained through crack tensile stresses and aggressive environments. 

Al termine dell’evento sarà disponibile un piccolo rinfresco finanziato dal dipartimento.

Sarà possibile seguire la conferenza anche online al seguente link.


This study investigates the self-healing capabilities of Ultra-High Performance Concrete (UHPC) under the combined influence of mechanical and environmental factors. Specifically, it delves into the long-term self-healing process in pre-cracked UHPC samples that endure continuous sustained tensile stresses across the cracks and are exposed to aggressive environmental conditions for one year. This study not only emphasizes that pre-cracked UHPC, when exposed to both mechanical stresses and aggressive environments, can maintain excellent durability and mechanical strength due to its self-healing effect but also lays the foundation for evaluating the self-healing potential of cement-based materials under conditions representative of real-world structural scenarios.

Speaker’s bio

Bin is a PhD candidate in the 36th cycle of SSGE at Politecnico di Milano. He holds a master’s degree in civil engineering from Shenzhen University, China. His current research focuses on the realms of self-healing and durability within the context of fiber-reinforced concrete. Outside the academic sphere, Bin is passionate about exploring new horizons. Traveling and hiking are his preferred avenues for relaxation and personal enrichment.


Febbraio 6
17:15 - 18:30
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