Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering

“Per difendersi dalle alluvioni, Movida trasversale e l’aiuto dei satelliti Sentinel”. Interview to professors Daniela Molinari and Francesco Ballio

After the catastrophic floods that hit Germany, the Netherlands and Luxemburg in July 2021, Professors Daniela Molinari and Francesco Ballio of the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering have been interviewed by Corriere della Sera – PIANETA 2021 with regard to flood risk management in our country.

Indeed, it is in this context that the project MOVIDA – “Modello per la valutazione integrata del danno alluvionale”- coordinated by DICA in collaboration with the Autorità di bacino distrettuale del fiume Po, and other 8 Italian universities and research centers has started.

«In the past, flood risk was mainly managed by means of structural measures, like dam and dikes», explains professor Daniela Molinari. «Anyway, it could not be always the right way for preventing flood damage. […]». The importance of this project is related to the possibility of evaluating the impact of floods on society, for a proper cost-benefit analysis of mitigation measures. «Results are the product of a very important institutional agreement which changes the logic of future interventions », concludes prof. Francesco Ballio.

For the complete interview, click here.